We encouter a lot of double entries (almost all) in the E-commerce Tab of WC Deep Data.
This messes a lot with total orders placed and total customer revenue as you can imagine.
Is there ANY way we can get the double entries out?
I have to add that we also use Active Woo to sync the order data.
But it should be compatible with WC Deep Data so with a (historical) sync i would imagine it would not add existing orders again.
Our Support team should be able to help remove the duplicates, although I believe that the double integrations may be causing the issue. Please submit a ticket here, and they’ll take care of the rest!
Thanks, and please let us know if you have any questions!
There may already be a ticket open to the development team.
I have a e-mail conversation with Pedro Dos Santos about it. Ticket ID 951703.
Can you check that please?
No need to create double tickets, but also a reason to check if there’s any!
To which i answered:
Ok, so it’s still a bit Buggy.
Besides disconnecting and re-connecting again, it should also NOT be possible to ‘add data that is already there’…right?
Ok, so for everyone reading this i have to make an apology.
Using AC WC Deep Data AND ActiveWoo Deep Data ACTIVATED at the same time causes the duplicate entries.
To re-iterate:
Turn on the deep data integration in ActiveWoo, but then un-install the ActiveCampaign free plugin.
Leave the deep data integration in ActiveWoo OFF and use the ActiveCampaign free plugin to handle this.
I chose to go with the Deep Data integration from AW but now i’m experiencing the issue that orders ar being rounded (see post: WooCommerce Deep Data rounds order total), so €80,82 gets synced in WC deep data as $80.00
I’m not sure where this is coming from, but it looks like the best option for Deep Data is still the native one from AC.