URL path for contact record

I’m trying to find out if there is a URL path I can use to access a contact record by the email address.

Right now when I navigate to a contact record, it’s http://mylist.activehosted.com/contact/123 (where 123 is the contact record’s ID#)… and I’m hoping there is a parameter where I can reference the user’s email address… so something more like http://mylist.activehosted.com/contact?email=whatever@whatever.com. (Although I realize the @ symbol probably has to be encoded).

Any help?

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2 posts were split to a new topic: API Reference - Contact ID

Hey @mailboxmediagroup!

Would you mind giving us some more context? Would love to know what your desired end result is :)!

The URL path you’re looking for is youraccount.activehosted.com/contact/?q=emailaddress.

Hi Ted,

Thanks for the reply. I’m trying to add a static app to Help Scout, so there is a “one click” link within Help Scout to get to the contact’s AC record. Like the example described here: http://developer.helpscout.net/custom-apps/static/

In your URL path above though, I’m confused about what the ACCOUNTURL variable should be. When I’m logged in it’s just the username. Where would I find that information? (Or should I contact support?)



Hey Larissa - @mailboxmediagroup!

Ok, cool!

My mistake, the path I gave you was redundant! Your account url will be your username.activehosted.com. I’m assuming it will be mailboxmediagroup.activehosted.com.