Permissions settings - help


I need your help.
I create a group with 1 user. I would like this user to manage the deals section. When the contact appears in the pipeline the user clicks on the new contact to see the contacts details. On this stage the user can also click on contacts name on the right side of the screen and the contact details opens again in lists section and this time the user can see much more details from the contact such as tags, lists, automations…
Is there any way to set permissions that way that the user can not see tags, lists, automations associated with the contact? All checks that I made when allowing access are at Info / lists and at Permissions / Deals / Enable group access to all deals.
I tryed to solve that issue to uncheck the permission to the list and leave only the check at Permissions / Deals / enable group access to all deals. In this situation the user can not see the contacts name.

Thanks for your help.


@topoperater Thanks for reaching out! Abbie from ActiveCampaign here. There is not currently a way to limit a user from seeing tags and associated information when they visit a contact’s record, as those pieces of information are part of the record itself. We can limit who can see certain contact records by limiting their list permissions so they can only see contacts with a relationship to the lists we specify, but they will see the full contact record, including other lists, tags, and automations. I would recommend sharing this example with us in our Ideas Forum so our developers can consider your feedback as they continue to make updates and improve the platform. I can see how that ability would be very helpful, depending on how you are storing information and what you want to be visible.