Need some strategy juice - read this now :)

Hi guys,

I need some help in crafting something that I can’t seem to wrap my head around (happens sometimes…)

A service-based client, a financial advisor has a website.

  • He runs PPC ads where people usually fill out a contact form to get in touch. He calls them, amd maybe they turn into a sale, and maybe they don’t. But these guys are in the market looking for a close!
  • Then there’s the organic website visitors he gets for who he has an ebook, “10 Ways to find the best financial advisor” - for who he runs an email sequence taking the user from a “hmm”, to a “yes let’s do it!

Three questions:

  1. [Important Question] What do you think I can do with the contact form fillers? I ask because these visitors don’t need nurturing considering they are explicitly filling out a form to discuss options with the FA. Sure, they might not buy and that’s another story but they are bottom of the funnel, in-market, qualified “leads”.
  2. [Technical issue that I mentioned in other thread] The contact form is filled out by various other contact form tools like jotform, wufoo, unbounce, etc. I totally understand the part that I can → the contact into AC by Zapier or something of that nature. But what I need to understand is, does it matter that I lose their Site Tracking?
  3. If I use Deals, how can I get the FAs to distinguish between these contact form submissions (requesting callbacks) vs leads being nurtured?

Thanks so much for reading and beginning to think of a solution that you are about to type! :wink:

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Hi -

Maybe I can help with the strategy side of this?

Qualified leads should always be nurtured. Even existing customers need nurturing.

Seems to me you’ve got 2 different audiences: a) those that do buy & b) those that don’t.
a) buyers need nurturing to build repeat business, referrals etc.
b) just because some of them don’t buy now doesn’t mean they never will - ‘no’ quite often just means ‘not right now’. So nurture them in the context of them being pretty warm leads.

With regard to using Deals, could you put each category of contact in a different pipeline?



What are some ways I can nurture my people that don’t buy but have downloaded my ebook? Emil

@philslorick, thanks much for your reply!
The audiences are both not going to buy - they’re just in different funnel stage. Some are top of funnel, possible middle funnel and then some are bottom funnel (contact us form fillers)

The part that stuck out to me are different pipelines in the deals. I think the best thing to do is make a pipeline visible to the sales reps (bottom funnel contact form guys), and run a parallel-but-invisible pipeline that moves fully scored leads into their visible pipeline.

Good idea, I’m going to try that out.