Get contact ID from site tracing


I’m looking for a way to get the contact ID from the site tracking script.

Is this possible ?

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Hi @studioconnect, can you tell us exactly what you are looking to do? The script itself does not contain the contact id. It basically tracks the the user visit and pass the data to your ActiveCampaign account associated with that visit.

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I want to be able to say “Hello %FIRSTNAME%” on my website when a member of my list is visiting my website.

Hi @studioconnect!

Take a look at this thread!

Or, perhaps this may a better fit -

thanks @Ted for the answer but I wan to pull the data from the site tracking because I actually need to set a specific tag to a contact when he trigger a specific action on my site.

how can I do that ?

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Whilst we do not insert a contact’s ID into the site tracking code, you can apply a tag to a contact when a certain action is performed through Event Tracking. Event Tracking is a flexible feature that helps you collect data on a wide variety of contact behavior. You can create an event for any activity on your website or app and assign it a value. As you begin to capture event data and send it to your ActiveCampaign account, you can use it to improve your marketing and sales processes as well as use it to trigger automations, create segment conditions, and personalise campaigns.

Event Tracking in ActiveCampaign is an advanced feature that requires familiarity with a programming language to set up on your website or app. You can use any programming language you prefer to trigger an event by sending data via POST to

To use Event Tracking, you need to:

  1. Enable Event Tracking in your ActiveCampaign account.
  2. Capture four data points (contact’s email address, event, value, and timestamp) using a programming language of your choice.
  3. Utilise the open API and your Event Key to send the event information to ActiveCampaign.

Once the information is sent, ActiveCampaign matches the contact’s email address to a contact in your account and attributes the event to that contact. You can then use this to trigger an automation and apply a tag.

Please see this demo as a walkthrough: Zight Recording 2024-04-24 ...

Here is some documentation on Event Tracking:

You can also have Event Tracking implemented for you through the help of our Certified Consultants: Certified Marketing Automation Consultants | ActiveCampaign