I would like to filter “deal custom fields” but can’t seem to do this effectively.
The only three options I have are to:
Get one deal custom field, by it’s ID
Get deal custom fields for one deal (filter by Deal ID)
Get all deal custom fields, no filter
There is no way I can see to do any other kind of search/filtering. I know that other custom fields can be filtered on using the API V1, but V1 doesn’t give access to deal custom fields.
We have 1000’s of deals, so takes minutes to retrieve all fields to so they can be searched locally. E.g. 200,000 custom fields / rate limit of (100 field limit * 300 API requests per minute limit) = about 7 minutes, but we have to leave some overhead for other API requests, so realistically takes 10-20 minutes just to get the fields.
Are there any other ways to filter deal custom fields?
If you go to the deal pipeline page and use the filter options at the top, all the filter options you see there are also available using the API. If you need help with the API syntax, and I can find that out. However, if there is something you are trying to accomplish with the API that is not available on this page, can you clarify?
Did you ever solve this? I’m having the same issue, currently just fetching 100 deals per time until I find the matching one.
In the deal pipeline page something similar is easily done, but I can’t see any way to do the same in the API:
We have recently updated our documentation, you can now build your API call (including filters) exactly how you need them. Check it out! Deals Api Docs:List all deals Pipelines Api Docs:List all pipelines
That would be great. However I’m not really seeing anything new there (deal filtering) with respect to filter options. Only candidate might be filters[search_field] but if I click the ‘see available values’ nothing happens. In the past that didn’t allow anything related to filtering based on custom fields.
Hey Greg, about the filter for deal custom fields, do you know if it is possible to implement this type of filter?
Because when we list all deal custom field data, appears a ton of custom data that isn’t interesting for us. Also, we have 2 important custom data that we really want to work with them, their ids are: 16 and 29.