Day 9 | Generate leads and grow your list!

Alright, so you’ve started to build your landing page (in Day 8), but how do you make sure it’s effective?

How do you maximize your chances of gathering customer info??

Or better yet, convert the customer right then and there???

It’s all about making them see the value and making the process smooth.

Here’s how you can make your offer irresistible:

1. Offer Something They Can’t Resist
People don’t just hand over their email addresses for the fun of it. They want something valuable in return. Maybe it’s the must-have free guide, a discount on their next purchase, or access to exclusive content. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something your audience actually wants and can’t get elsewhere.

2. Keep It Quick and Easy
No one wants to fill out a marathon-length form. Make it as easy as possible by asking for just the essentials— even down to just their name and email address. If you need more info, save it for later and ease them in with a more gradual approach.

3. Show Them the Good Stuff
People are more likely to sign up for your email list (and/or checkout) if they see that others have had a positive experience. Include a few testimonials or success stories on your landing page. When visitors see real people benefiting from what you’re offering, they’re more likely to jump in themselves.

4. Make It Look Great on Any Device
Many folks will fill out your form from their phones, so it’s crucial to make sure it’s mobile-friendly. Test your form on different devices to ensure it’s easy to use no matter where people are browsing from.

Nail these, and you’ll see those form submissions, or better yet, SALES, start rolling in!

Day 9 - Task of the Day:

Let’s make sure your landing page has a form to generate leads and grow your email marketing list!

Option 1: Create an ActiveCampaign form from your landing page

You can use the “Inline form” block to build an ActiveCampaign form from scratch, directly from your landing page.

To build your form, drag the “Inline form” block to your page layout then select “Build a new form.” Type the name of your form into the Inline Form Name field and choose your “Form Action.” Then, click “Start building your form” to create your new ActiveCampaign form.

Option 2: Add an existing ActiveCampaign form to your landing page (Perhaps the one from Day 7)

You can also use the “Inline form” block to add any form you create in the “Forms” section of your ActiveCampaign account to your landing page.

To add your form, drag the “Inline form” block to your page layout, then select “Use an existing form” and choose the form you want to use.

If your landing page is done at this point, you can now publish!

To publish your page:

  1. Click the “Publish page” button.
  2. A modal window will open. Select your domain from the dropdown, then type the URL into the next field.
  3. Click the “Publish” button.

After you publish your page, it will be live. However, no one will see your page until you share the link with your audience.

Click the “X” next to your page name at the top to close the page editor.