Day 8 | The GPS of your business: Landing Pages!

You know how great your product or service is—it’s what got you into this whole marketing game in the first place!

But as you start expanding your offerings and spreading the word, things can get a bit chaotic.

Visitors might find themselves lost in the shuffle, unsure of where to click or what to focus on (because it’s all so good, of course :wink:).

That’s where a standout landing page comes in.

It’s like a GPS for your website, guiding people straight to where you want them to go and making it super easy for them to take the next step with you. :world_map:

Since landing pages focus on only ONE goal, visitors aren’t distracted by your other content, offers, or blog posts. This focus makes them more likely to part with their information in exchange for your lead magnet (AKA your offer) or buy your product or service.

Thus, it’s no surprise that the conversion rate on a landing page is much higher than that of your homepage (or any other page).

While your homepage guides your many visitors to the multitude of content you have that best suits their needs, a landing page drives web traffic toward ONE specific action like:

  • Adding subscribers to an email newsletter
  • Promoting your online course
  • Selling a physical product
  • Giving out a discount code or coupon
  • Boosting attendance for a webinar
  • Encouraging a free trial
  • Giving away a consultation or demo
  • And so on!

Just remember, the rule of ONE! (Watch below for more on that.)

Let’s start building a landing page together in our Task of the Day!

Day 8 - Task of the Day:

Create a landing page from the Pages section of your ActiveCampaign account. Each page you make starts from a page template. The Pages template you select determines the initial structure of your page’s content.

To create a landing page:

  1. Navigate to Website > Pages.
  2. Click the “Start building” button.
  3. Click the “Add a new page” button.
  4. The templates page will load. Locate the template you wish to use for your page. Hover your mouse over the template and click the “Use This Template” option that appears. If you want to start with a blank template, click the “Blank” option instead.

You can preview any template before using it. To do so, click the “Preview” option that appears when you hover over the template. You can see how the template looks on both desktop and mobile.

  1. The template will load in the page builder, and a “Rename Page” modal will appear. Type the name of your page into the field provided, then click the “Save” button.

You’re now ready to customize your landing page and add content!

If you find yourself a bit lost in this process, or want to dive even deeper, register for our Landing Page Workshop!

:spiral_calendar: Our next one is Thursday, September 19th 2024 @ 11:30AM CDT

Register below: