Day 15 | Drive incremental revenue

Incremental revenue is the extra money you make from selling one more thing— one more unit of a product or service.

If you’re not seizing those opportunities, like tweaking prices or suggesting add-ons to your current customers, you might be leaving money on the table. (Sound familiar? :wink:)

Since this challenge is all about growth, and not leaving money on the table, we’d fail you if we left out our Product Catalog. This feature is designed to streamline marketing efforts, enhance customer engagement, and ultimately boost revenue.

Here’s how different types of businesses can leverage this feature to their advantage:

:shopping_cart: E-commerce businesses can use the Product Catalog to create tailored email campaigns that showcase products most relevant to each customer.

:art: Marketing and creative agencies can use the Product Catalog to cross- and upsell services packages to their clients, enhancing the effectiveness of their campaigns.

:briefcase: Professional service providers, such as consultants, accountants, or legal advisors, can utilize the Product Catalog to present their services based on previous engagements, boosting client satisfaction and loyalty.

Before you can take advantage of the powerful Product Catalog automations, you’ll have to do a bit of setup. Follow today’s Task of the Day, depending on your store, and stay tuned for more on how to implement our Product Catalog.

Day 15 - Task of the Day:

Sync your product or services. Below are instructions for Shopify and WooCommerce customers.

Shopify customers:

There are two ways to sync your product catalog, and they are listed below. Note that the sync can take up to 24 hours for both options. Once the sync is complete, placeholder product catalog data will display inside the block. Your actual product data will display on the right pane of the email designer.

Option 1: From the Settings > Integrations page

  1. Click “Settings”> “Integrations.”
  2. Click the “Manage” button for your Shopify integration.
  3. Click the “Historical Sync” button.

Option 2: From the Email Designer

  1. From the email designer, drag the “Product Catalog” block to your campaign layout.
  2. Click the block, then select your store.
  3. Choose “Select products manually” from the Products dropdown, then click the “Select Products” button.
  4. A modal window will appear. Click the “Sync product catalog” button.

WooCommerce customers:

You can sync your store’s product catalog from the email designer. Note that the sync can take up to 24 hours.

  1. From the email designer, drag the “Product Catalog” block to your campaign layout.
  2. Click the block, then select a store.
  3. From the “Products” dropdown, click “Select Products Manually,” then click the “Select Products” button.
  4. Your WordPress site will open in a new window. Navigate to the “ActiveCampaign for WooCommerce” plugin, then go to the Product Sync page.
  5. Click the “Schedule Product Sync Jobs” option.

:triangular_flag_on_post: NOTE: You can also navigate to your WordPress site and follow these same steps to complete this sync independently of the email campaign designer at any time.