Day 14 | Don't leave money on the table!

Did you know 8 out of every 10 shoppers abandon their carts without completing a purchase? :eyes:

Customers abandon carts for a variety of reasons:

  • Distractions
  • They forget they have a cart
  • Price
  • Comparison shopping
  • They were just browsing
  • Confusion
  • They changed their mind
  • Barriers to checkout

And while you may not be able to figure out why, what you do know is that they have some sort of interest in the product. Often, they’re just one step away from buying!

Businesses seeking to recover lost sales and boost revenue can rely on ActiveCampaign’s abandoned cart email automations to do the trick. After all, if you don’t prompt people to recover their carts, you’re basically leaving money on the table!

In today’s Task of the Day, start your abandoned cart automation.

:bulb: Consider offering them a coupon, creating urgency with a time limit, and telling them to grab up their products before they disappear!

Day 14 - Task of the Day:

  1. Go to Automations
  2. Select ‘Create an Automation’ → Start from Scratch → Trigger Categories
  3. Search for “Abandons Cart”
  4. Create an automation workflow

NOTE: This feature works with the following ecommerce integrations:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Magento
  • Any custom deep data integration that supports abandoned cart