Day 20 | Product Catalog Part 2

If you successfully completed your Task of the Day on Day 15, you’re synced and ready to go for today’s task!

(If not, go back to Day 15 here.)

As a refresher, on Day 15, we walked you through how different types of business can leverage our Product Catalog feature to boost revenue. Now, we’re going to help you implement automations relevant to your business!

Read through today’s Task of the Day to see which automations apply to your business strategy.

Day 20 - Task of the Day:

Depending on your strategy, implement one or all of these automations:

New product launch: Introduce your customers to the latest additions to your product lineup with targeted email campaigns. Utilize ActiveCampaign’s Product Catalog block to highlight new products or services based on customer preferences and past purchases. This automation ensures that your launches reach the most interested audience, generating excitement and driving initial sales.

New arrival: Keep your customers in the loop with timely notifications about new arrivals within the same category. With the Product Catalog block, you can create personalized emails that showcase the latest products or services just added to a specific category. This automation targets customers based on their purchase patterns, increasing the likelihood of engagement and immediate purchases.

Cross-sell: Boost your revenue by recommending complementary products to your customers. ActiveCampaign’s Product Catalog block enables you to set up automations that analyze customer purchase history and suggest related items that enhance their current purchase. This targeted approach not only increases average order value but also enhances customer satisfaction by providing relevant suggestions.

Abandoned Cart Upsell: Recover lost sales and maximize revenue opportunities with abandoned cart upsell automations. When customers leave items in their cart, ActiveCampaign’s Product Catalog allows you to send automated reminders along with personalized product recommendations. This strategy not only encourages customers to complete their purchase but also introduces them to additional products they might be interested in, leading to higher overall sales.