I compared the Json results i got when listing all lists, with a list i created manually and apart from the name and stringid, all properties are identical.
Seems like something else is happening when you add a list manually using the UI, but so far i can’t figure out what.
Sounds like something is off here. If you haven’t already, please email our support team (support@activecampaign.com) so they can take a look. Thanks!
This is still a problem. Is there something one must do after creating a list in the API to have it show under “Lists”. (As the OP reports, the lists do show on various pulldowns.)
Seemingly API-3 does not set group permissions for that list.
providing user-id with the post reqeust is not enough.
In the ui, go to settings -> users -> tab groups; there you can assign the newly created lists to a group.
You cannot assign a list to a single user.
This is a known issue currently with the API call to create a list. For now, you can additionally use the “Create a list group permission” API call to add the necessary groups to the list to ensure it appears in the UI.
Hi, I have tried to create a list group permission after adding a list. but I still can’t see the list on the website. Could anyone solve the problem with this method?
Hi, are there any news about this issue?
I tried the workaround and it works on the sandbox account (where group are enabled) but not on a company account with the Lite billing plan (where user groups are disabled).
Do you have any other workaround?
I am not aware of any limitations to this workaround related to being on the Lite billing plan. To add the list to the “admin” group you’d want to use groupid 3, so if you are using another value for the groupid this may be causing the issue.
If that was not the cause, can you please provide an example of the POST body for the call that you are making to the api/3/listGroups endpoint? That may help identify any other potential causes for the issue you are experiencing.