List created by API not displaying on Lists page


I think I have missed a permission setting when creating a list via the ActiveCampaign API, but cannot see where…

I have created a list via the API. It is created fine, given an ID, and I can see it in the drop-down lists in the GUI logged in as Admin. I can also see the list assigned to the contacts that I have created and assigned it.

HOWEVER, the lists isn’t shown on the “Lists page” and, when I try to edit a contact status for that list, it says I don’t have the necessary permissions.

I have compared the fields in the API for a list I’ve created manually vs my automatic one, and I can’t see any obvious difference. I set the UserId when I created the list, and that appears to be set ok.

I’m pretty sure I’ve just missed setting some permissions for the list somewhere through the API. Does anyone know what step it is I’ve likely missed-out, and is leading to this result?



Hello Chris & staff,

i’ve the very same issue here.
I get an HTTP-Code 201 after the create list POST request.
It appers in dropdown at many places.
It does not apper in the lists panel.
I verified the user id from the post response (i assume it’s something like the list-owner) and the actual user id of my admin account.
It’s the same: ‘1’

=> So, what is it about?

This issue currently stops me proceeding with the next few API-integration steps.

Any hints & solutions are very appreciated.

Thank you,

Ok, in meanwhile i found out that i can grant access to lists in settings -> users -> groups
Seemingly there is not default access given, although i provide an user id when creating the list.
My question is now, how can i permit access to a specific, or even better: default group to a new creating list per API/3?

Thank you, Thomas

Thanks for the info about Settings -> Users -> Groups, Thomas. I hadn’t spotted that. When I set that, I also see the lists on the lists page. HOWEVER, then the lists that I’ve previously deleted (of the same name) then also show up on that page. This won’t be an issue in most of my cases (as there likely won’t be any deleted lists of the same name), but did show up on my developer account due to the faffing I was doing during writing the code.

I shall explore the API groups functions a little more, as that looks to be where the solution may lie.

Chris, can you do me a favor, please?
Can you tell me which API-Version you use for that? 1 or the new API-3 (RESTful)?

I discovered by reading this forum that the API-3 seems to be instable and in Beta, while the “old” API has more functions and wrappers, also for PHP.

=> I started with API-3 and want to find you if it’s sensful or contra to switch back to API-1.

Thank you!

Hi Thomas,

I have integrated it into a new product, so it seemed to make sense for me to use the latest API (v3). Apart from the list rights issue, everything else went very smoothly. There was a bit of guesswork involved in working out some of the right settings, but I could reverse that by creating the item manually in the GUI and then using the API to look at the properties. Most of the time was spent looking at the Json requests and replies, and creating the corresponding objects in .net.

I did initially get distracted by older stuff I found on the web for the older APIs, but found it was easier to ignore all of that and just explore what I was seeing myself.

My use is relatively basic at this stage - list creation; contact creation; and syncing. I also implemented the webhooks for unsubscribes etc. It’s possible I might use other parts of the API in the future but, for now, that was all we needed to achieve.

