Zapier Connections - Contact Scores As Data

I am wanting to use my contact scores as data, however they are not available for access in Zapier. I have contacted both AC and Zapier support, only to find that AC does not see this as a contact data field. Clearly it is related as contact data, as it’s there when I export my contacts. Please open up scoring fields to be accessed by external integrations.



This is a feature I would also love to see, or at least receive a reply about.

Many thanks!

We also would love this! I think it would help resolve this issue:

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

I wanted to update this thread for anyone that comes across this post. We don’t currently have a option to update scoring fields via Zapier. I would highly recommend submitting this as an idea at, where our team check this frequently and seek to implement ideas that are well supported.

The workaround is use to the use “Add Existing Contact to Automation” Zapier action and using automations to edit the score like this

  • Here’s a guide for reference on how to edit Scores with automations.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out if you have any further questions.