WooCommerce Deep Data Integration Not Triggering Automations Based on Product ID Purchase

We’re on WordPress, using WooCommerce and have the ActiveCampaign WordPress plugin installed for tracking site visitor behavior. That is working fine and is showing up for our Contacts as they browse the site.

However, we have an issue with WooCommerce and ActiveCampaign communicating to move Contacts into Automation funnels based on purchases. We have a couple Automations set up to place users into a funnel via a successful purchase of a product ID (woo’s ID, e.g. 16720), but noting gets triggered.

I’ve gone through every plugin, deactivating, and then testing on a dummy free ($0) product. The user page visits are logged, but the Automation is never triggered. Anyone else having this issue? Any solutions?

Thanks for the help!

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Hey @wildplayground,

In the automation start trigger, do you have the triggers set to run multiple times? Or only just once?

~ J

I’m having the exact same issue with “Product Category”
Already tried to just once and with multiple times…

Any idea?

Hey! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to using WooCommerce as a start trigger, there can be times when the purchase data will be synced to AC before the product data, creating these types of possible issues. To prevent this from happening, we suggest having the start trigger be any purchase, next a 5-minute wait step, and then an if/else step that asks for the specifications/ product ID that you are looking for. This will give the system time to process the purchase and make sure your contacts get added correctly!

Hope this helps, and keep us posted with any other questions!