Will it work? hmm... Automation for the manually added list of subscribers

Hello everyone!
This is my first automation in AC and I need very much your advice - will it work or not…?

  1. I have a manually added list of subscribers - those, who want to make a prepay for online course. Emails were collected with Google Form.
  2. I’m going to send 3 different motivation letters and a link to PayPal to make a payment (PayPal button code).
  3. I made a Zap: add PayPal customers with successful sales to an ActiveCampaign - adds a new contact, or updates an existing contact with tag “paypal_presell”.
  4. The main goal is to mark a prospect that made a payment with tag “student”.


  1. Will this automation work? I’d like to send every next letter only to people who didn’t make a payment yet.
  2. How can I subscribe / opt in them to the list? As far as I understood manually added emails are not good :slight_smile:

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It looks good.

One concern is that “campaign opens” is somewhat unreliable because some email clients don’t display images (an image is used to track opens). I’d add another “Or” condition for “clicked any link” in the campaign. That will make it more accurate. You’ll still have some people that slip through though (people who opened with images off and didn’t click a link).

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