Will a Search show a Contact as achieving a Goal that they merely PASSED through?

If a user passes to a Goal (rather than triggering the Goal criteria), will a Report show them as achieving the Goal?

3 Nodes:

  • Send Email > Goal “Got email” > End Automation

Goal criteria is “IF Tag Exists ABC”

If the Contact move thru the above 3 nodes WITHOUT the ABC Tag, and I do a query on "contacts who have achieved Goal “Got Email”, will they show up?

Hi Clay (@bungalowsoftware),

If a user passes to a goal (rather than triggering the Goal criteria) a report will not show them as achieving it.

Though, in the goal block setting, they have the option to either skip the block OR wait on it until conditions are met. If they wait until they meet the conditions then they will achieve it, but only after they move through it. Using this method they would appear in the report/query as having achieved the goal.



Hey bungalowsoftware,

Biannca here from our CX team. I wanted to add ontop of pleon’s message - we have a guide explaining what the Goal Report entails and what is/is included in the reporting.

You can learn more by reviewing this guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at help@activecampaign.com if you have any further questions.