Will 1:1 emails appear in my "Sent" folder?

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It depends on how you send your 1:1 emails in ActiveCampaign. There are two ways:

    1. From your ActiveCampaign account
      (Available on all plans)

No. If you send a 1:1 email from your ActiveCampaign account, it will NOT appear in your “Sent” folder. This is because these emails are sent using ActiveCampaign’s servers.
2. From an email account connected to ActiveCampaign
(Available on Sales Plus, Professional, and Enterprise)

Yes. If you send a 1:1 email from a connected email (Sales Plus, Professional, and Enterprise), it will appear in your connected email’s “Sent” folder. This is because these emails are sent using the connected email’s server.

Note that, based on your plan, 1:1 emails can be sent from the Contacts Overview page, a Contact Record, a Deal record, an Account record, or an Automation.