When is best time to check an Action? When it happens or wait, then to check all at one time?

I have a welcome automation that quite simply looks ugly.

It has 5 emails to send
A few emails have links
one email has youtube link

I want to check to see
Opened email
Which clicked links in emails
Was youtube opened

I would seem that the emails should go out then check and score all the results. If not the automation get riddles with IF/THEN creating a mess.

What is best way to do this?

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Are you saying you’d like to create a score? So, for instance, if a contact opens an email they get 10 points added to their score and if they click a link they get 10 more points?

I guess I don’t understand how this relates to "If/else"s in the sequence. Do you want to treat the contacts differently if they’ve opened emails, clicked links, and opened the youtube campaign?

Let me know a little bit more about what you’re trying to do and I think we can help.

Yes want to create a lead score and want to see if the links they click show specific, general or a mixed bag of interests … which might lead to different treatment.

"I guess I don’t understand how this relates to “If/else"s in the sequence.”

Not surprising since I understand so little. Guess I don’t understand how that would work. You guys have a big lake here; I feel like a 5 year old looking at the ocean for the first time as the content clock is ticking as I divert to this project.

BUT … it’s all about the list … right?

Thanks for your patience and all your help guys.

No worries, I just want to be sure we’re guiding you correctly. Even though you may not feel like you’ve got a grasp on everything right now, it’s great to see that you’re diving in and making use of some of the more advanced features. That’s the best way to learn the platform and what it’s capable of, for sure.

You’ll probably find that, after you’ve used something for a few months, you’ll start from scratch and rebuild what you created initially. Especially with scoring, you’ll probably learn that some rules aren’t really revealing any insight and there are others you completely left out. Iteration is the key with scoring. It’s unlikely you’ll get it right the first time.

I think the rules you proposed above are a great place to start. Here are some resources to help you get started with setting up a score:

Let me know if you have any questions as you dig into those. I think the main question you want to answer at this point is how you’ll use this score to tailor your marketing. Are you trying to figure out what product people are interested in? Are you trying to find highly engaged leads for more aggressive follow up? Are you trying to identify the best leads for sales follow up?

The purpose of the score informs how you distribute points.