What WP Affiliate plugins and software for AC?

Hey everyone! I am new here and I am just wondering if anyone has any advice about what WP Affiliate plugin or software I should use that integrates with Active Campaign smoothly. I also need it to play nice with Wishlist Member, OptimizePress and Paypal =]

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iDevAffiliate works with all that. Check it out here.

Does idevaffiliate integrate w/ AC? It is not listed on their website.

Hi @growthpointcoachingc,

So I can better assist you; what are you trying to accomplish with the idevaffiliate and ActiveCampaign integration? For example, do you want a contact to be tagged within ActiveCampaign?


I am going to run a monthly webinar series for lead generation. I have several local strategic partners (CPAs, attorneys, agencies, etc.). I’d love to be able to track their referrals and pay them a commission on anything that originates from their efforts.

I’ve not purchased iDevAffiliates yet, but am considering it. However, their ability to track by cookie, IP, or coupon codes don’t really work for me, because most of my sales are initiated on the phone, video conference, or in person.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to assign a tag to the contact that identifies the referral source or even the marketing source.

I just started looking at my options last week, and am a bit overwhelmed. lol

  • David R

David (@growthpointcoachingc),

All of that information helps me a ton. Before I make any suggestions as to how you might want to move forward; what payment processor are you planning on using in tandem with iDevAffiliates, if you are to move forward.

Don’t worry if you haven’t gotten that far yet, but that’s important to know as well.


I use Stripe for my payment processing at this time.

I would look into ThriveCard it integrates with Stripe and also offers the referral component you are looking for.

Let me know what you think,


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