What template did you use to create your digital marketing strategy?

You know, one minute you’re reading great blog posts about remarketing using Google’s Smart Lists. Then next second you’re reading about AdRoll being better for remarketing because it can remarket to Google’s audiences AND Facebook audiences. I say, hmm, let’s just go with AdRoll so I create these remarketing campaigns on one platform instead of two.

Then I see how we can leverage content marketing and see that if we give away ebooks for download, we may be able to get emails so we can throw them in a marketing automation engine.

My brain is on overdrive thinking, ok, I drive initial traffic with paid Google Adwords, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn campaigns, then I show retargeting ads to the “abandoners” showcasing particular content rather than an ad that makes them go back to the same landing page and I’m thinking whoa, that’s such a great idea!

Fast forward to my brain now being full of these create scenarios and I begin the get scared. Why? Because I’m starting to think of the logistical nightmare it would be to create all of this.

But then, what if I had a great plan, a flowchart that shows the steps and also keeps me on track for UTM parameters - this logistical ‘nightmare’ just becomes a set of todos and I can be on my merry way!

Like Abraham Lincoln said: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I’ll spend the first four sharpening my axe”.

To create this strategy, I don’t know where to start! I’m sure many of you have come to these cross-roads and to those of you who say “just get started” - you have no idea what kind of a spaghetti clusterf–k you’re getting into when there’s no rhyme or rhythm to your marketing plan.

So my question is did you guys use some form of template that walks you on how you can bring PPC, Organic, MA, Content, etc all together so everything works harmoniously without overlap?



Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!

I don’t have a template or know of one, but I think it’s a great idea to create one.

If you do create one (or find one), post it here …


Great question. I’ve been there many times. I personally use a combination of a flowchart to visual everything and then a Podio workspace to plan out each asset. Basically it breaks down into this:

  1. I plan the whole campaign out in a flowchart in draw.io
  2. Then I have a Podio app called ‘campaign’ it has the following fields:
    Campaign Name, Description, outline, go live date & assets.
  3. Then I create items for each of the asets so I can plan them out. These could be landing pages, blogs, social media assets, email campaigns, ppc campaigns, ppc.

This gives me one place with an overview of the campaign with links to each of the assets I am building from the campaign. I can’t tell you how helpful this has been when planning out our campaigns and also for clients - it’s made the process really quick and easy and everyone knows exactly what needs to be created.

Here’s a screenshot of our workspace:




Thanks so much for a very detailed reply. This is exactly what I was looking for to see what the planning process looks like for many out there.

Since I posted, I came out with a very similar strategy to visualize the stages which in turn gave a very good understanding on what goes where. I love it.

Meanwhile, if there’s anymore tidbits, please feel free to go for it!


Hi Evielyn,

Thanks for pointing out Draw.io. I’ve already used it to create two flowcharts for clients. Very quick and easy to use.

I noticed in your Podio screenshot some thumbnails of your own flowcharts. I couldn’t see the icons you’re using in Draw.io—are they your own custom icons you’ve imported into Draw.io?

Many thanks,
~ David

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Hi David,
Glad Draw.io is working out for you! Yes, they are custom icons - my inner designer can’t help but make everything pretty. I’m happy to share them with you if you like. You can view and download the folder on my dropbox here:



Thanks for sharing @mavndigital!

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Wow Evielyn, you’re a star!

Thanks for sharing—I look forward to using them in my next site map or flowchart.

~ David


Jesus! Thanks so much @mavndigital!


KIller workplace Evielyn! Is that shared in the Podio marketplace?


Hi Barry,
No, I haven’t shared it in the marketplace as it’s something we’ve been slowly developing over the last month or so… but looks like now might be a good time to release it to the Podio world!


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Hey Evielyn,
Just testing out podio based on your screen shot :slightly_smiling:
Did you ever end up sharing with the podio world?
I would love to test it out!


Hey @ppweb_admin. It took me a while but I’ve just now submitted it to the Podio marketplace. Depending on how long it takes to get approved, you should see it soon :smile: Hopefully it’s helpful!



Ok, finally after a few attempts the app pack is now in the Podio app market! If any of you were interested, you can download it to your own workspace here. I’d love to hear if it works for you or if you have any suggestions on how to improve it.

FYI - @ppweb_admin @Barry @mham

Hope it’s helpful!



Great news @mavndigital! Going to give it a try this weekend!


Champion! Thanks Ev @mavndigital


Thanks for sharing @mavndigital - rawkstar!

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