What if automations are started twice?

I am looking at sending out a broadcast through Manychat, but I know some of these people are already on my email list

If I get them onto my email list again through a Manychat broadcast, and they enter an automation they are already on, will they start the automation at the start or will they continue where they were, and will the automation be sent out twice?

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Should they meet the tigger of the automation, they will start from the beginning. If they meet a condition within the automation - say the contact is queued at a wait step/goal step, then they will continue through the automation.

A contact can enter an automation multiple times - so long as the start trigger has been set to ‘runs multiple times’ or if the automation has various different start triggers. The contact can be in the automation a handful of times too > they can have various different paths.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!