What does "Wait for 3 days" actually mean?

Hello All.

I am pretty new to AC. So, looking for help from experts.

When a contact subscribes to a list, I want to wait for 3 days and send the first email. I set “Wait for 3 days”.

However, I do not understand, does it mean that the email will be sent in 72 hours from the time a contact subscribes? Say, if a contact subscribes at 11 pm them the email will be sent in 72 hours at 11pm.
Is it how it works?

Also, I’d like to wait for 3 days but to send email at 9 am regardless of time a contact get into automation. How can I do it?
I guess if I choose “wait until” option and set Customer’s current time is 9 am and wait up to 3 days, that would send the email at the time I want. However, I am not sure. There will be at least 2 events when customer’s current time is 9 am (on each day).

I can’t find any explanation about that.

I would greatly appreciate any help or resource to learn about it.

Thank you in advance.

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Hi @inet8,

I think you are on the right track with this.

For your first question, if the contact subscribes at 11 pm then they will receive the email 72 hours later at 11 pm.

You are also on the right track with choosing the “wait until” option. I think that will be the best way to control the send time (using conditional content) of the email if you have a specific time you want the contact to receive it.

Hope this helps,


Hi @inet8, I have your same doubt, does have worked for you the “wait until” option together the Customer’s current time?

Thank you very much.