Website Landing Pages

When creating a Website Landing Page in ActiveCampaign is there anyway to create links on the page that open in a New Page or Tab? The only option I see when you fill in the On Click item is Open Link but there is no option to specify New Page or Tab vs. Self. Any thoughts? Thank you!

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Hey! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, Iā€™ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to adding link to pages, a great and easy way to achieve it is by adding the ā€œbuttonā€ block where then you can set to ā€œon click open linkā€ and then add your desired link/page. Now, if what you are looking is for an ā€˜Open link in a new tabā€™ option, use an embed block and custom code/HTML.

Hope this helps, and keep us posted if anything comes up along the way!