Webpage link to campaigns that are old


I’m struggling to find links to old campaigns.
Once a campaign is more than 20 old, it no longer appears in the campaign archive.
I can see about 20 per email list… but I need to uncover some older ones.

Any suggestions please?

Thanks in advance :pray:

Hi @bobcooney. Welcome to the community. You’ll need to create a custom list of these on your website if you want them to be available to the public. One way is to select the Reports menu icon. Select a campaign from the list or right click open in new tab. Select the Message menu. In the top right hand corner, right mouse click on or select the View the web copy icon. That will be the public link to the campaign. The other option I use is to print a campaign to a PDF. This preserves the links. I make these available on my website to help with SEO more than anything. You could also download an image of the campaign. From the Campaign Report page, right click on the image and select Save As or something similar. I hope that helps. Cheers.