Webhooks for integration into apps

I want to register a webhook for knowing when a Note is added to a Contact. What should the ‘action’ be?

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Hey @automateio1234,

Do you want to register the webhook for a single account? Or do you want to programmatically register the webhook like for a 3rd party application or integration?

If the former, you can just check the box for “Contact Note Added” in settings --> developer.

If the latter, you want to use the webhook_add API action (API v2), and an action[] of subscriber_note

Here are all of the Webhook Actions mapped to their webhooks:

subscribe → “Contact Added”
unsubscribe→ “Contact Unsubscription”
update → “Contact Updated”
bounce → “Email Bounces”
sent → “Campaign Starts Sending”
open → “Campaign Opened”
click → “Link Clicked”
forward → “Campaign Forwarded”
share → “Campaign Shared”
reply → “Email Replies”
subscriber_note → “Contact Note Added”
contact_tag_added → “Contact Tag Added”
contact_tag_removed → “Contact Tag Removed”
list_add → “List Added”
sms_sent → “SMS Sent”
sms_reply → “SMS Reply”
sms_unsub → “SMS Unsubscribe”
deal_add → “Deal Added”
deal_update → “Deal Updated”
deal_note_add → “Deal Note Added”
deal_pipeline_add → “Deal Pipeline Added”
deal_stage_add → “Deal Stage Added”
deal_task_add → “Deal Task Added”
deal_tasktype_add → “Deal Task Type Added”
deal_task_complete→ “Deal Task Completed”