Webhook loop


So here’s my situation. I’m trying to sync AC contacts and my website using webhook. When a contact is updated on my website, I’ll also call an API to update the contact on AC list accordingly. But apparently, AC count my API calling is an update event, so it sent a data back to my website though webhook. This creates a loop that I don’t really know how to solve. I tried un-checked the “By the API” in Initialize From but it’s still not working.

Can I have some pointers on this? I’m sure you guys have run into this problem before. Thanks a lot :smiley:

I’ve submitted your info to our technical support team who will be in touch soon. Thanks!

Was there ever a response to this? I’m seeing this webhook loop too. I’ve only got user checked but it seems to trigger on automation updates and API changes. Paul

I am having the same issue. It seems as if the API calls are being treated as user events and initiating webhooks, even though the “by the api” box is unchecked on the webhook settings in AC. Did the tech support team ever respond to your question?

Does anyone from Active Campaign monitor this forum? We have two posts with the same issue and nobody responds? Should I be submitting a tech support ticket?

Hi Ashtoncc, Phillip here from ActiveCampaign, I just sent you a DM so that we can assist with getting this resolved. Thank you and have a great day ahead!