Hello, season’s greetings to all.
It would be a lovely thing to build my forms in Webflow and export the data to Active Campaign upon submission.
However, despite attempting various different URL’s in Webflow’s action field (please see image) I have been getting this message upon testing the live form.
"Not Found
Sorry, this page could not be found.
Please check your link/URL and try again".
I’ve tried various permutations of the following POST action url:
https://mysitehere.activehosted.com/proc.php " id="form_42
Please help Obi Wan - you are my only hope…
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December 21, 2018, 5:55am
Are you stick with Webflow? As it easily can be done using Thrive Architect
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Hey @westernsounds1 ,
Did you ever get an answer to this? I’m also trying to integrate with webflow and have the same issue.
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Sad to see there still hasn’t been an answer. Especially now that I’m looking for this myself
Hey All!
My devs are working on this at the moment and there is a fix for this and it’s very simple.
Use Zapier!
Follow this link, it’s pretty straightforward - https://zapier.com/apps/activecampaign/integrations/webflow?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=gaw-gbl-nua-search-activations_two_service-nb_exact&utm_adgroup=nb-activecampaign-webflow&utm_term=webflow%20activecampaign&utm_content= pcrid_457610224699_pkw_webflow%20activecampaign_pmt_e_pdv_c_slid__pgrid_105815730654_ptaid_aud-809502765494:kwd-678496733184 &gclid=Cj0KCQiA0-6ABhDMARIsAFVdQv8HGwVbVWwcXA9xYaNNMxe2henZLkTrEBd-fgcPvspLWd5sw97Z2-0aArxPEALw_wcB
Hope that helps.