Webflow Custom Form >> Send Data To AC

Hello, season’s greetings to all.

It would be a lovely thing to build my forms in Webflow and export the data to Active Campaign upon submission.

However, despite attempting various different URL’s in Webflow’s action field (please see image) I have been getting this message upon testing the live form.

"Not Found

Sorry, this page could not be found.
Please check your link/URL and try again".

I’ve tried various permutations of the following POST action url:
https://mysitehere.activehosted.com/proc.php" id="form_42

Please help Obi Wan - you are my only hope…

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Are you stick with Webflow? As it easily can be done using Thrive Architect

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Hey @westernsounds1,

Did you ever get an answer to this? I’m also trying to integrate with webflow and have the same issue.



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Sad to see there still hasn’t been an answer. Especially now that I’m looking for this myself :wink:


Hey All!

My devs are working on this at the moment and there is a fix for this and it’s very simple.

Use Zapier!

Follow this link, it’s pretty straightforward - https://zapier.com/apps/activecampaign/integrations/webflow?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=gaw-gbl-nua-search-activations_two_service-nb_exact&utm_adgroup=nb-activecampaign-webflow&utm_term=webflow%20activecampaign&utm_content=pcrid_457610224699_pkw_webflow%20activecampaign_pmt_e_pdv_c_slid__pgrid_105815730654_ptaid_aud-809502765494:kwd-678496733184&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0-6ABhDMARIsAFVdQv8HGwVbVWwcXA9xYaNNMxe2henZLkTrEBd-fgcPvspLWd5sw97Z2-0aArxPEALw_wcB

Hope that helps.