We need better Reports


I’ve already asked via support ticket and even created a new idea suggestion. But 2 years has passed and I will try to post here in the community, hoping that this feature will be avaiable in a next update.

We really need better Reports, specially for the CRM. I am trying not to move to Pipedrive, Hubspot or other CRMs, because I like ActiveCampaign a lot. Is a very good software for email marketing, but unfortunately the CRM lacks some basics funcionalities.

The Report options for Deals is not good at all. Please, please, please, see the Reports avaiable in Pipedrive. Is so awesome:

  • Task reports per user
  • Deal velocity
  • Revenue forecast
  • Deals progress
  • Etc

There’s a video there showing a overview. The graphs are beautiful, and if you click in any area, opens a popup with a Table showing all the stats from that particular graphic piece. Its incredible.

Seriously, ActiveCampaign needs a better report tab, specially for CRM.

Until know, there is no way to know which user makes more phone calls, for example. I can’t understand why that is not a priority, if ActiveCampaign is trying to grow in the CRM industry!

Hope you accept this suggestion.




Hello there! Currently we have CRM reports that may satisfy most of what you described: Deals funnel report, Deal Forecast report, Sales Performance report, and Task Overview report

Additionally, we can granulate and customize data by using Custom Reports.

ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Team.