Wait until time doesn’t work


I tried to do the following.

I would like to send emails at a certain time, let’s say, 7 PM.

So I setted both a ‘wait 7 days’ and ‘wait until current time is 7 PM’, also in this order, so first wait 7 days and then the other wait step.

I’m noticing sometimes the ‘wait for current time is …’ works and sometimes it doesn’t work and I get the test emails earlier, so the workflow didn’t wait sending the emails…

Anyone experienced the same? What can I do?

I had a similar problem and it was solved when I change the ‘Current time’ to ‘Current time (Your/Time_Zone)’. There’s this option in the conditions and the timezone that will be available is the one your account is set to.

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Yeah, waits for contacts timzone are based on location and locations are notoriously inaccurate especially for contacts outside of the US. Also, waits are based on the time they hit that action. So, 7 days from the time they entered the action is wait 168 hours fro mthe time they entered.
Using waits such as the what you need sometimes takes a little tweaking.

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