Validation without redirect error page


I create form in my account and i have one base problem.

I dont know how I can create validation in form. I would like confirm email, name or last name, phone, etc.

Can You help me?

P.S Can I describe my question in this forum? :smile:

Best Regards,

Hey Kamil!

When you say validate, do you mean inserting email, name, phone, or a custom field? Or, do you mean captcha?

Or, do you mean you would like your users to confirm this information in their second opt-in confirmation?

Adding these fields to your form or subscription updates are both available.


Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Currently, we do not have a validation tool to verify that the data a contact enters (email address, phone, etc.). However, you could use Double Opt-In on your form when setting up a form action to ‘subscribe to list’. This doesn’t prevent invalid contacts from being added to your ActiveCampaign account however, this will ensure that these contacts are not subscribed to your list. For a bit of context, contacts with a status of ‘unsubscribed’, ‘unconfirmed’ and ‘bounced’ against your lists do not count towards your contact limit, therefore these invalid contacts (or contacts who do not confirm opt-in) will remain in your account but as an inactive contact.

To set up double opt-in:

  • Login into your ActiveCampaign account
  • Go to ‘Website’ > ‘Forms’
  • Locate the form and ensure that you have an action to ‘subscribe to list(s)’ (this will be located under the ‘actions’ column on the form page)
  • Click the ‘Edit’ button
  • Click the ‘Options’ tab (located in the right-hand column)
  • Click the pencil icon next to the ‘subscribe to list’ action and toggle the opt-in option ‘on’

Watch this demonstration as a walkthrough: Zight Recording 2024-04-17 ...

Here is our related help article:
