V1 - add contact custom fields not consistently being pushed

Hi there,

we’ve used the v1 of the api to create contacts in AC. We’ve added custom fields possibilities as well but while testing, there were times that only the 3 mandatory fields (email, last name, first name) were sent, and other times all custom fields were being sent as well. We tried debugging with different scenarios and situations but couldn’t find any solutions.

Is this a known issue? Another others with same issue?

We’re using drupal by the way if that helps.

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When you say “there were times that only the 3 mandatory fields (email, last name, first name) were sent,” what do you mean? Sent from where?

Are you saying that if you create a contact via the v1 api by sending it the default contact fields (email, last name, first name) as well as the custom fields, sometimes the custom fields are not being shown on the contact?

This issue may require you providing us with some information you may not want to publicly disclose, and I recommend sending our excellent API team an email at integrations_support@activecampaign.com where you can securely discuss this.