Using product data from WooCommerce

We sell products on our WooCommerce website that are made of different types of materials. I want to store this data within Active Campaign, so that I can segment them. The data is stored within product attributes.

How can I synch product attribute values to Active Campaign?

Hi @huijer thanks for reaching out! Abbie from ActiveCampaign here - the short answer is that there is not a native way to do this…you can view the full list of data we receive from WooCommerce and can segment on here.
I would personally build this kind of tagging or tracking out using automations - it will take a little building, but it should give you better control and the ability to segment this way as needed as you move forward. We would want to create an automation to tag contacts who purchase a product with each attribute - the automation trigger might be something like “last purchase included X product” -a purchase of each product for that type of material would then be added as a trigger so that all product purchases result in the contact receiving a tag or update.