Using Job Title field

I’m a little confused about the default “Job Title” field. I initially created a custom field with the same name but then I went to the “Manage Fields” page (/app/settings/fields/contacts) and realized there’s already a built-in job title field. However, I can’t figure out how to use it. It’s not mentioned in the docs for the " Create contact" endpoint and trying to just use “jobTitle” (similarly to firstName and lastName) doesn’t do anything.

Just to be sure I queried the fields endpoint to make sure it’s not actually considered a custom field, just created for me by default, but nope, it’s not there also. So how to use it via the API?

It is one of the things many have been asking for updates on. The job title is connected to the accounts and is not a custom field. It can’t be used in segments or advance searches or forms. It can’t be deleted. In addition, you can’t add a title unless the account if already created. Sometimes you may know the title but not who they are with yet.

Not ideal!

Thank you for pointing this out. Admittedly our documentation is confusing and lacking examples of “Job Title,” and we will improve that.

To answer your question, “Job Title” is only an Accounts field. I agree it is confusing to see it under custom fields where it currently is. It can only be updated in the accounts section.
I usually suggest that the customer add a custom field called “Position” or something like that, then they can more easily map to it.

@thegreenhouseproject I agree it’s not ideal, but I can promise you I will bring this forward to the engineering team for their consideration. Would you say your main request is that Job Title be a field that is usable in segments, advance searches, and forms?

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From a use experience perspective it is not useful and wastes time to have the Job Title field hidden until after the Account name is saved. It makes for extra steps/clicks. What is the possibility of changing this experience?

I appreciate the honesty and candor on your response here, Greg! We’ll use some of the workarounds you’re recommending here… Hopefully this is addressed on the product roadmap soon.