Using If/Else to segment list on orders between certain dates

I have AC integrated with Shopify and Revenue Conduit. What I’m looking to do is If someone has spent $250.00 they receive an offer of 25% off one time.

The way I’m working to do this with automation is if ‘Total Value of Orders’ is $250.00, AND ‘Total Value of Orders is Less then $424.00’ then ‘Add Tag VIP25’ Then I can send them the offer.

However, I realize that this wouldn’t always be the case because the more the order the numbers get higher, and I’d have to continually add more automatons if they’ve spent say $1,000. I was thinking about using dates, but not sure how I can do that.

Does anybody have some suggestions as to how to best accomplish this?

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Could an approach be that the moment your total value is equal to or above $250 you set the tag AND reset the total value figure to zero?



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