Using a Lead's Phone Number

Guys, how would you use leads’ phone numbers in your marketing automation?

I’m thinking about collecting phone numbers from some of my leads, but I don’t have any clue on how to use them in my marketing. Does anyone have any suggestion?

Are phone numbers just to call customers trying to sell high price products?

I’d use leadscoring to measure engagement and the site tracking to automate specific funnels based on site visits. I would only call leads with a high leadscore. Cold Calling doesn’t really work anymore.

So make some automations based off interactions with e-mails and site visits. Set appropriate Lead Scoring and when someone hits a specific score send him an e-mail like “Ready to have a conversation?”. Announce to the recipients, that you are about to give him a call. That way you can tell the gatekeeper that you “spoke” before about that call.

Another or additional option would be to use the phone number for outstanding customer care. E.g. someone visits your “help” section. Trigger an automation and have someone call him right away. I wouldn’t tell him that you know that he was on your “help” section but go with something like “Just thought about you and thought you might need some more information”.


@Matthias thanks for your suggestions! These will be really helpful.

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Zapier connects with multiple products to do SMS. So if they just fill in the form text them to let them know we will be calling shortely. Or even drip them text messages or voice broadcast notifications using zapier / twilio or zapier / anveo or zapier / tropo. These items need great care however.

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Collecting phone numbers allows you an additional form of contact to your contacts. It allows you to send SMS’ which adds another dimension to your marketing and automation strategy. This article explains the two ways you can use SMS on ActiveCampaign: but essentially there are 2 ways to use SMS in ActiveCampaign (our native feature):

  1. Subscribe by SMS
    This feature lets contacts subscribe to your list via SMS. You can create a keyword that contacts would text and that would initiate the subscription process. Learn how to Enable the “Subscribe by SMS” feature.
  2. SMS messages sent from automations
    This feature requires that you have your contact’s mobile number. You can add an action within your automations that sends a text message whenever your contact gets to that step. It is a great way of engaging your contacts through a different channel.

There are additional 3rd party platforms that you can use to SMS contacts such as Twillio: Twilio SMS Integration & App | ActiveCampaign

Any questions, thread them below!