User added by external event - double opt-in


I am integrating AC into Thinkific.

  1. Everytime a user signs up on my course platform, it gets created in AC and subscribed to a list “Thinkific - Wait for Opt-In”.
  2. He then should receive an E-Mail which contains a confirmation link to opt-in.
  3. As soon as he klicks on the link, he should be presented a thank you page and moved into my main contact list.

I am struggling with the step 2 and 3: how do I get such a link to a thank you page which tells that the optin worked? Users are added by an automation, so there is no form which could have a thank you page.

Thanks & regards,

Hi @elabit!

If you need to build a landing page and set it to a link, you can use any thank you page on your site or create a landing page with ActiveCampaign’s Pages feature.

Then you’ll want to ensure that link tracking is turned on. After you determine a wait time, the contact can go to an If/Else action to check for the link being clicked. If they did click the link, they go down the Yes path and you subscribe them to your main list. If not, they can go down the No path and be unsubscribed.

I hope this helps!