User_add api gives error

Hello All,

I am using user_add api to create an user in the active campaign account.I am following the same as mentioned in below link.

I tried passing group id as below

‘group[3]’ => 3,

even i tried passing the id of group which i created through api in the below ways

‘group[1]’ => 29, ‘group[29]’ => 29,

In all the three cases ie group id passed as ‘group[3]’ => 3,/ ‘group[1]’ => 29,/‘group[29]’ => 29, is not working the result message of the api is as below

Message: Invalid group id. The group id that you’ve passed doesn’t correspond with a group in your account.

Please let me know what wrong i m doing.Please do the needful asap.

Thanks in advance.

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Hey @bealwaysmarketing1,

I was able to replicate this, so let me check with my dev team to figure out whats going on. I’ll get back to you!

Hi @bealwaysmarketing1,

It looks like we made a change to the API with the more recent releases of the app. Now you pass group = 3 instead of group[3] = 3.

In the older version of the app, before the contact & deals upgrade, you would still handle it like group[3] = 3

Hope that helps!