Use triggered event as goal condition while in automation

It’s easy peasy to start an automation based on a triggered event.

But how do I use another triggered event in a goal (condition)!?

We have an automation for failed payments, starting by an event. But we have a separate event for restored payment, which I want to include in a goal in the automation.

That works well, the first time the payment is restored.

But I can’t find a way how to distinguish an event happen while in the automation.

For now I have solved that in a very clunky way with a custom field being set to 0 when the automation starts. Then I have a separate automation that adds +1 to that fields. And finally a condition in the goal of the first automation for this custom even being equal to 1. It becomes very messy pretty fast with multiple similar automations.

Please advice!

Hi @enhanza , hmm if the goal of the “restored payment” is to stop the “failed payment” automation, then rather than using a custom field, you could add an “end other automation” step to the restored payment automation, which will force the “failed payment” automation to end.

Thank you, @jacobmonash! So obvious and simple, yet genius. It worked like a charm.

Thanks again. :pray:

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