Update subscription details in an automation

Hi there,

I’ m new to AC and ran into a problem i can’t figure out how to solve .

I have to import an old list from Mailchimp into a new setup in AC and i need them to update their details after they enter the list as i have a few new dropdowns in my new signup form.

This is what i have done.

  1. Import contacts
  2. They enter the automation
  3. They get the first email, telling them to update their subscription
  4. Condition added, waiting for them to update and chose a city in the dropdown.
  5. When they update “based on one of 3 cities they can select”, they should continue in the automation, and a tag should be added…

It all stops after they get the mail where they are asked to update their details… and even if they update them nothing happens…

To make it short…

  1. I need to import a list 2. User need to update their details 3. Based on their selections 4. a tag vill be added 5. they tag will send them to another automation…

Is there anyone that can help me with that ?


Hi Dennis,
This should work, but you may need two automations. One that sends the email out. And other that is triggered by filling in the form. In the second automation you would start it by adding a trigger for your new subscription form being filled in. Then I would use if/then statements to determine the answer for your custom city field & apply the appropriate tag. That would then trigger your next automation. You can also send people directly to new automations through the actions menu - so if the tag is only needed to trigger a new automation then I would skip that part & I read just select Start an Aurimation from the actions menu when you click the + button (it’s under Conditions & workflow.

Hit me up here if you’ve got any other questions or you can email me at evielyn@mavndigital.com.au of you want some personalised help. Always happy to help out :slight_smile:

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Should you need to import a list of contacts, that need to have certain details updated, you will first need to ensure that these are actively engaged contacts (not contacts that have gone stale and have not engaged with any of your mailings for an extended period of time).

Step 1:
You would need to start by creating a form > this will allow contacts to input data to override the old data/details for their contact record. This may include creating and inserting new custom contact fields as well a forming a query string to set up pre-filled in fields (such as the email address).

You can also choose to ensure that certain fields are made mandatory (like this: Zight Recording 2024-04-22 ...). This will ensure that contacts HAVE to complete the data in the field before submitting it.

See this demonstration as a walkthrough: Zight Recording 2024-04-22 ...

Here are our related help article for more details:

Step 2:
Now that you have the form ready, go ahead and set up you automation (this will ensure that this is ready for your imported contacts). You could have the automation set up as follows:

  • Trigger: Contact subscribes to list
  • Step 2: Send a campaign advising the contacts to update their details (whichever details that may be). Per the demonstration, shared above, you can insert the form into this campaign advising them to complete the form to update their details.
  • Step 3: You could add a wait step or a goal step with the conditions 'wait until form has been submitted) OR you could add a wait step to allow a few days to pass.
  • Step 4: If you choose ‘wait for x amount of days’ to pass, I suggest adding an if/else statement. If they have completed the form > go down the yes path and send a ‘thank you’ email. There is no need to ‘add a tag’ here as they have had a tag added at the form level (when the form was submitted). If they have not submitted the form, they will go down the ‘no’ path and you can then send a reminder email, re-attaching the form.
  • Step 5: Under the ‘No’ path, add another wait step for x days. Again follow step 4 > add if/else statement. If they pass through yes path, send thank you email, if not go down ‘NO’ path. You could then send a final email advising that they will be removed from correspondence if the details are not updated, re-attaching the form and expressing urgency.
  • Step 6: wait step for x days > follow step 4 again: if they complete form after 3rd email sent, send thank you email. if they do not > you can add a specific tag to them stating that they hadn’t completed the form and that old details remain on file (something like ‘Not Updated Contact’). Then decide if you want to unsubscribe them from your emails etc.

That tag application (for when they complete the form) can also be a start trigger to your next automation.

See this demonstration here: Zight Recording 2024-04-22 ...

Step 3:
Now complete the import.

Remember to subscribe to list (same list as start trigger for automation) and click ‘update as existing contact’ as well as ‘trigger automations’.

See this demonstration here: Zight Recording 2024-04-22 ...

If you have any questions ro feedback - submit this in the :thread: below!