Unsure of site tracking

Hi guys,

Sorry im trying to link AC to my external registration form on my site. Basically my registration form collects name, mobile number, email and I understand that in order for contacts to be automatically populated i have to

  1. Link my email field in the registration form to trackcmp_email? Is that right?
  2. After the user registers with that form, AC would have populated the data under contacts?
  3. If the contact is collected in my AC, it will automatically begin tracking the user even without logging in?
  4. My login box currently only allows user to login with their mobile number - will AC be able to track that user’s activity? Or do i need to set the login to be using email instead in order for AC to work?

Really need some help here guys!

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Hi there,

Just jumping in here. Site Tracking natively works when contacts submit an ActiveCampaign form or click a tracked link from an ActiveCampaign email that leads to a tracked page.

However, there are ways to track contacts who submit third party forms but it will require custom coding.

  1. With the new site tracking code, you would add the variable you use for email address in your forms to the section labelled ‘setEmail’ as shown here: https://help.activecampaign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003700820-Create-contacts-from-Conversations#passing-a-visitor-39-s-email-address-into-conversations-javascript

While this is an example for Conversations, it uses the same code as our default site tracking as well.

  1. You would need to code your form to send the data into ActiveCampaign, but correct. Any data passed through would go into fields under the contact record. You would code in which of your form variables to link with which ActiveCampaign fields.

  2. ActiveCampaign will automatically begin tracking the contact once they have taken an action that will gain the tracking cookie on their browser. In this case, it would be when they submit your form and their email is passed into the site tracking code. The cookie tracks the visit and the code tells it what contact to associate the visit with.

  3. As long as they supply their email address when submitting your form that passes the data to ActiveCampaign, they will be tracked without issue. The browser and the site’s code interact with each other, the method of logging in will not affect it.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have any other questions.

Thank you,

Hi Cody,

Thanks for the reply.

  1. May I know what’s the code cos I can’t seem to find it

You can find it in your settings under Tracking.