Unsubscribe only hard bounces


  1. How can I add my hard bounces to my exclusion list in one bulk action? Or are these already automatically added?

I have attempted to go to Contacts > Status > Bounced but it does not differentiate between Hard and Soft bounces.

I have also viewed all my bounces from a particular campaign but don’t see the option available there.

  1. I read that AC attempts to send emails 3 times if a Soft bounce is experienced, what is the time period for these follow-up attempts? Will these be automatically marked differently once they have failed the maximum amount of times? Are they removed from the list if the email then goes through after the first soft bounce?

Any help much appreciated.

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I ran across your question as I was researching the same topic. Thought I would share what I discovered with you. AC labels soft and hard bounces in the campaign report, but the contact status of “Bounced” is only set on the contact for a hard bounce or if the address soft bounce 3 times in a row.

Additionally, bounced records are a form of inactive record. The AC system doesn’t mail to them once marked as a bounce so there is no need to “Unsub” them. You can delete them but if you do you could lose some historical campaign data so be careful with that option.

Hope my discovery helps you out.


Thanks Larry, it definitely does help. I assume they’re not added to the exclusion list?

I expected some Active Campaign employed responders to be floating around somewhere - or is this channel only community help?

Hello! It’s possible to filter hard bounces through an advanced search in the contact area. A contact is marked as bounced after it has had a hard bounce.

The community is open for contributions from all fronts, customers and ActiveCampaign team members included.

About campaign bounces and bounce codes

ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Team.