Training resource on making the switch from Infusionsoft -> ActiveCampaign

Howdy, I just released a step-by-step online course that teaches folks how to switch from Infusionsoft >>> AC:

This is a little over an hour of screencast walk throughs that help bring Infusionsoft users not yet acquainted with AC up to speed. We go through a tour of the AC interface to help you mentally map the equivalent concepts in AC to what you know in IS and then we dive right into the process of migrating an Infusionsoft campaign from the IS marketplace over to your ActiveCampaign instance. Here’s a screenshot of a lecture:

I would greatly appreciate any input. The course is free. I’m too close to the material at this point though to know what needs improving and I could use feedback from anyone who goes through it and has time to provide honest critique.

I’m a recovering Infusionsoft ex-Certified Partner of theirs who got way burned on their software, made the switch successfully to AC 2yrs ago and now wants to help others do the same.

We’ll also be going through this live soon. I run the Phoenix AC User Group and we’ll be doing a live runthrough of this training material at our next meeting via Google Hangout. We welcome any remote attendees outside of Phoenix, AZ who wish to participate in our group. Get more details on that meeting here.

UPDATE 2/6/16: here’s the Google Hangout capture condensed version of this training from the PhxACUG meeting the other night