Tracking subscribes and unsubscribes

For those who unsubscribe from my newsletter, I’d like to see when they subscribed and from what sources they subscribed in order to see which optin campaigns I am running are getting the best leads.

I have a custom optin form I use for Facebook ads and a different one for those who optin directly from my website.

Is there an easy way to create a report for this? I am getting a lot of optins from my Facebook ads but want to make sure they are staying so I can justify the cost.

Much appreciated!


Hi @wilmottgroup,

It might be best to track the subscription source instead of tracking where they are unsubscribing from. If you create a different form for the Facebook ads, you could slap a tag action on that form so they get a “facebook lead” tag or something like that, then you can compare the sources that way.

Hope that helps,
