Tracking Script addition to an external service

Hey Guys,

We are currently using Instapage as our landing page platform and we were wonder how we should add the tracking script so it start cookie the visitors.

Should we use the same Tracking script that we have added to the website or should be create a new domain under the site tracking page and use that tracking script.

Currently, the tracking script that we have installed is not tracking people on the landing page or the website that we are using it on.

I’m pretty sure it has noting to do with the tracking script itself, but it has certainly to do with the way I’m using it.

Can you help me with a suggestion to get this problem solved?


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Hey @vijay -

I see two issues here!

  1. What plug-in are you using? If WordPress, I would recommend utilzing our WP plug-in

  2. I think you’re using Instapage as a form, correct? Well, Instapage allows you to drop in 3rd party script on their forms. Essentially, this will set up an AC form that will be auto-populated with every entry that you receive on your landing page.

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

You will need to add the javascript tracking code to the header or footer of each page you are wanting to track. To locate the tracking code:

  • Ensure you are logged into your ActiveCampaign account
  • Go to ‘Website’ > ‘Site Tracking’
  • Locate the code under ‘Tracking code’ and copy it
  • Paste this into the header or footer of each page you are wanting to track in the Instapage builder site

Please read more here:

Per the document, it is really important to remember that site tracking behaviour won’t show in your ActiveCampaign account until a contact has been identified first. They can be identified 1 of 3 ways:

  1. The contact clicks a link from within an email you’ve sent from your ActiveCampaign account; OR
  2. The contact signs up using any of your ActiveCampaign-built forms.
  3. Dynamically inserted
