Tracking sales made via autoresponder sequence

The bane of my existence since I started online has been attribution - specifically, how to track which ad/keyword/placement resulted in a sale via an autoresponder sequence.

My business model is pretty standard: I send paid traffic (via GDN, Bing, etc) to a blog page on my site or an email opt-in page; when a visitor opts-in they’re taken to a sales page; if they don’t buy right away I pitch my products via an autoresponder sequence.

Is there a simple way to integrate Google Analytics with my ActiveCampaign account so I can attribute a downstream (i.e. autoresponder) sale to the ad/keyword/placement the customer came from?


Hi Moe, it should already do that:



Yes. You just need to pass GA links back to the sales page and setup ecommerce tracking on your order thank you page/s.

On your optin form, grab the utm code via hidden custom fields (php or js) and then use these custom fields to add them back to links in your automation sequence.

If you want real time sales reports (GA has a long delay before sales are available, use Clicky which uses utm variables as well and won’t conflict with GA.



Thanks very much, Jason. It’s good to know this can be done.

I’m not a techie, though, so I’m not sure exactly how to do this:

Do you know if AC has a step-by-step tutorial on how to do that? (I couldn’t find anything.)

Thanks again,


Don’t believe they do. Should be easy for a programmer you hire from Fiverr or elsewhere.

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Hey @moemuise!

Thank you for the suggestion! This is a great piece of documentation that we’ll most certainly add to our repository.

You can request it here:

Any luck?

Hi Ted,

No, I haven’t had any luck with this. As far as I’m concerned, though, this is essential information that AC should be able to share with customers in a step-by-step tutorial.

I contacted AC support and asked about paying for help with this, and they pointed me to the Services page - which states that a minimum of 5 hours needs to be purchased (at $200/hour). I don’t want to spend $1,000 just to get some code set up.


Hey @moemuise,

I hear you loud and clear! I will say that it’s a fairly complicated process, one that requires a user to be well-versed and one miss-step could lead to the function not performing properly, or at all. I’m not trying to say that you would do so, but a step-by-step tutorial will probably not meet your needs. You could spend a lot of your valuable time in the weeds, and I wouldn’t want that.

I have three recommendations for you:

As Big Jason mentioned, there are communities like Fiverr and Upwork that allow you to post a project, define the scope, and dictate the amount of payment. This allows you to fit it into your budget and roadmap on your terms. Both are respectable communities, but I do recommend you being conservative/vigilant with your vetting. For example, I wouldn’t go with a $5 an hour candidate.

Alternately, I’ve had friends and peers engage with the leaders of local developer groups to see if they can refer a developer, but I see that you’re based in Bali, so that may not be an option ;). If you’re part of any forums, I would perhaps reach out to their moderators.

@Ted, thanks for the tips. I found a freelancer on Upwork who says he’s an AC “reseller”. I’ll be hiring him to implement this for me.
