Tracking onboarding flow

We are building a sign-up flow with two systems:

  • Our campaign site
  • A customer portal

The flow goes like this:

  1. The user browses the campaign site
  2. The user submits a sign-up form
  3. The user gets created in the customer portal + we create a contact in active campaign.
  4. The user completes the sign-up inside the customer portal

How can we track the whole process across the two systems, and have all the tracking - including the data from before the sign-up - associated with the contact that we create during the process?

Kind regards
Jesper Sørensen

@dmgreenkeeping Hey Jesper, I’m super curious why you are also using campaign monitor? will you be sending emails from both systems? What tracking do you want exactly? The sign up form, is it an ActiveCampaign form?

Sorry about the confusion. I meant to write active campaign, NOT campaign monitor. I’ve now edited the question to correct the mistake.

Hi, thanks for clearing that up.
Where is the form built on that the customer signs up with?
What do you need to track specifically? If just sign up can you UTM’s etc, but if you want more detailed you may need to build an integration between ActiveCampaign and your internal portal if you wanted to see what the customer was doing in your portal or have email information sent to your portal

Based on our testing, it looks like we’ll be able to track the user across the campaign site and customer portal because they are on the same domain (2ld).

When the customer submits the sign-up form, our customer portal will use the AC’s API to create a contact. Then when the customer gets to the success page, we’ll call vgo(‘setEmail’) to connect previous and future tracking with the contact we’ve created.

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Sounds good!