Tracking conversions from email campaigns using Google Analytics


I have a question about tracking but I am not sure how to best explain it… let me give it a try:

So I am running traffic from multiple sources (Google Adwords, Youtube ads, facebook ads, bing ads etc) to an optin page. When visistor opt ins, then get subscribed to my Active Campaign automation that has 5 emails, one email a day. In all the emails, i promote a product… so each email has the sales page link. Lets say, the subscribers read email no. 3, clicks on the sales page link and makes the purchase.

I want to be able to track the entire purchase path starting from which traffic source the customer arrived from.

So i want to track which traffic source, email automation and which email did the customer went through before making the purchase.

Is any of this possible with Active Campaign and Google Analytics? Or any third party tool?


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Hi @profitlabsco,

There are a few ways to track conversions using ActiveCampaign. I would read this help doc. on setting up ActiveCampaign conversions to get a better idea of what some of your options are.

Let me know if that didn’t answer your question and I would be more than happy to continue to trouble shoot with you.


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@pleon hi. Is there a way to track conversions using UTMs? I’m in the same situation of @profitlabsco and i also use a wordpress contact form wich DOES support UTMs. How can use that measure conversions?

Hi @katiavaccari!

Which plan are you using? Our Professional plan does include our Attribution feature, which allows you to track sources and conversions, which you can set using UTM parameters. You can read a bit more about attribution here:

Thanks, and please let us know if you have any other questions!


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