Track Visits To Page From Specific Campaign

I’ve got a situation that I can’t seem to wrap my head around. I have a client who runs networking meetings and they send their members a confirmation email before each meeting. We’ve set it up so that when the member confirms it sends a notification to the leader of that group to notify them.

That was OK - but now they have WAY too many ‘automations for clicking’ in their account and it’s tedious to set this up each time they send a campaign. Especially because there are up to 15 groups each week and each group has a different leader that needs to be notified. SO, i’m wondering any ideas on how we could build just one automation (or one automation per group), that picks up the visit to that link and triggers the automation.

Site tracking is the obvious answer, but here comes the even trickier part. Members could be booked into multiple groups & meetings and we need to track which email campaign the member has booked from and trigger the appropriate automation that notifies the right leader. I was thinking if there was a way to pass the campaign name into the URL of the confirmation page, then I could set up an automation that triggers with a wildcard URL.

But is this possible? Can I pass the campaign name into the URL of the confirmation page?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated - or if you think it could be accomplished in another way - I’m totally open to any other ideas.

You’re wayyy advanced in MA lol so I’m sure you’ve thought of this already, but in case you haven’t - have you thought of using utm in the url? Or does it not work with AC?

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It certainly does work @mham & I thought of it about half an hour after posting lol! I think i was trying to make it too complicated. I set up utm tags for each group & Inserted them into the campaign templates. Now whenever anyone clicks on the link for that group it alerts the team via email… Works like a dream :slight_smile:


Love to see this @mham & @mavndigital!

I’ve seen a lot of people falling back embracing the tried and true power of UTM!

What are you doing for analytics @mavndigital? Are you in GA? Or, are you using something else?


Yep @Ted, it works so well & is a completely hands off approach for the client - they love it (& me lol). Yes, I use GA. Till now I’ve only used UTMs for tracking traffic to the site. But I’ve found a few very useful ways to use them lately including passing data into forms.

Sorry folks, can I ask what are “UTM”'S?

Hey @audace. UTM tags are used in URL’s traditionally to track traffic, but can also be used to pass information into forms and other types of URL tracking for instance what I did above. A UTM tag typically looks like this:

Everything after the ‘?’ is the UTM tags and each are seperated by a ‘?’ This is a typical URL for tracking traffic sources with Google Analytics.

In my case above I’m using it to track when someone clicks on a certain link in a campaign, so that I know what group they are attending. So i used the URL

This saves me having to replicate that page for the 15 or so different groups that we run. I can just add the UTM tag in and use that in our automations to alert the group leader when someone has booked into their group.

Hope that makes sense!

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I’ve been looking for a way to pass UTMs into an AC form. How are you accomplishing this, if I may ask?

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Hi @homehubzone. Till now I’ve only used them as in the use case above to track pages and not fill in forms necessarily. I would say it’s the same process thought. You would build the UTM paramaeters with the fields you want to fill and the necessary personalisation tags.


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