Track sales using site tracking?

Hi guys,

I need your suggestions on this please…

My shopping cart software adds customer emails to lists only - tags not allowed. I want to use a single customer list on the AC side with tags to differentiate among products.

Secondly, many times, people are registered to the email list using one email address but they buy using Paypal for which they have a different email address. This makes it difficult (impossible?) to mark an existing subscriber as the same person who purchased a product. Adding their Paypal email address just creates a new subscriber with no history.

Would site tracking solve both these problems?

If I understand correctly, site tracking makes use of cookies to store a person’s email address. So when that person makes a purchase through Paypal, they land on a product thank you page. When they visit that thank you page, it can trigger an automation that will tag them with the name of the product they purchased and add them to the main customer list (or just add the tag if the email already exists in the customer list).

This will also solve the problem of people not wanting to receive product / marketing notifications on their Paypal email address. This way they will receive product delivery emails on the email address they originally subscribed with.

Could something like this work? I’m new to AC but loving every bit of it.

Thank you!

Can your shopping cart software send a “notification email” to any email addy when someone purchases?
If so…you could employ an email parser by zapier? The email parser can add a tag at point of purchase. This might solve all your issues right at the front end.

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Re: Tagging contacts based on the products they purchase.

You can set up an automation with start trigger: Contact makes a purchase from deep data store (so long as this is a deep data integration like Woocommerce, Shopify etc.). You can then set up a series of if/else statements to check if order contains a particular product by using the conditions ‘Product Name in Last Order contains X’. If yes, add tag that correlates with that product. If not, go down next if/else and check next product name etc.

Alternatively, if it is not, you can apply a tag to a contact when a purchase is made AND a tag specifying the product. If the latter option, we recommend using the ‘Contact Subscribes to list’ start trigger, however syncing the product data into ActiveCampaign will be crucial > try syncing this to a custom field and like the above option, you can use if/else statements and conditions ‘custom field name contains X’ > if yes, apply tag etc.

Re: Payment email differs from contact’s email.

There is no way around this, the client will need to change the email or else it will create a new contact.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!